Our pledge to the Individuals we serve is that we will walk with them through every step of their journey. And that’s especially true during the unique times in which we are living, as we all face changes in our communities and lives unlike any we’ve seen before.
We applaud our dedicated Host Home Providers who are diligent in their efforts to keep the Individuals in their care safe and healthy, by staying home and implementing recommended protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19. But these different ways of living and co-existing come with challenges. And it’s easy to feel out of control when uncertainty can make it tough to plan, even short-term. We’d like to share a few suggestions that can help navigate the “new normal” as it continues to evolve.
- Choose to focus on what is within your control – many things always are – like how we can contribute, how we spend our time, what we can accomplish in our own lives and family, and how we treat others.
- If you find yourself getting caught up in fearful thinking, have a healthy “go-to” activity that will refocus your attention on the positive – take a walk, call a friend, write in a journal.
- Revise your household routine so that every family member makes positive contributions, which helps everyone feel more in control and less stressed.
- Practice an attitude of gratitude by recognizing the blessings and good things in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal or talking each evening about what you are each thankful for helps keep your focus on what’s positive and possible.
- Staying at home means more quality time together. But we all need time to ourselves. Schedule quiet time and space when each family member can take a break and do whatever they choose. Whether it’s reading, listening to music, working on a hobby, or taking a nap it gives each person their own time to think, breathe and relax.
- Maintain open communications within your household to minimize stressful situations and keep things running smoothly.
- Find ways to check in and stay in touch with those you’re accustomed to seeing outside your household – whether friends, co-workers, family members who don’t live with you, neighbors, or even the workers at your local stores. Make use of technology and applications such as Zoom or Skype to maintain face-to-face connections.
- Get regular exercise, fresh air, plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
- Plan and tackle projects such as reorganizing the garage or planting a garden. You may tuck away some special memories and the accomplishment is a boost for everyone.
- Take time for fun and entertainment. Consider creating your own games or putting on your own talent show.
- Learn some new skills.
- Safely help others in your community.
Although these changes in our lives were initiated by a crisis, this can be a time of enrichment, productivity and growth. Choose to embrace the good in each day. But don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help, information, or just want to talk. We are here for you – every step of the way.