What You Need to Know About the COVID Vaccine

The state of Colorado has put in place a three-phased approach for vaccinating its citizens, based on highest risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19. Children and pregnant women are not included in this preliminary phased approach but may be prioritized as safety and efficacy data become available. Similarly, IDD and other disabled Individuals are not addressed specifically in this phased approach at this time, but may qualify based on age or other specific criteria. Phase 1A and 1B are currently being implemented. Following are details of each phase.

Winter: Phase 1

In Phase 1A the vaccine is made available to:

  • Highest risk health care workers and individuals, specifically those who have contact with COVID-19 patients for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period
  • Long-term care facility staff and residents

Phase 1B makes the vaccine available to these categories:

  • Coloradans age 70+
  • Moderate-risk health care workers including Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) providers
  • First responders
  • Essential frontline workers
  • Essential officials of state government
  • Frontline essential workers in education, food and agriculture, manufacturing
  • S. postal service, public transit and specialized transportation staff, grocery
  • Public health, frontline essential human service workers, and those providing direct care to Coloradans experiencing homelessness
  • Essential frontline journalists

Spring: Phase 2

In Phase 2 the vaccine will be available to the following:

  • People ages 60-69
  • People ages 16-59 with obesity, diabetes, chronic lung disease, significant heart disease, chronic kidney disease, cancer or are immunocompromised
  • Other essential workers including government workers who did not qualify for vaccination in Phase 1
  • Adults who received a placebo in a COVID-19 clinical trial

Summer: Phase 3

In Phase 3 the vaccine will be available to members of the general public, ages 16-59.

Should I Receive the Vaccine?

For individuals who have underlying conditions or other health concerns that may contraindicate receiving the vaccine, contact your health care provider for an assessment prior to receiving the vaccine. If you receive the vaccine and experience any unusual symptoms or adverse reactions, inform your health care provider as well as administrators at the facility where the vaccine was administered. Don’t hesitate to seek immediate medical attention if symptoms are emergent.

Continue Practicing Prevention

Even though vaccines are now available, public health officials advise that it will take time for them to take effect and establish widespread immunity. It is recommended that all precautions against COVID-19 remain in place until public health agencies determine and inform the public that these precautions are no longer necessary. Even if you receive the vaccine, continue to wear a mask when outside your place of residence, practice social distancing, avoid large gatherings, wash hands often and practice other preventive measures as recommended or mandated by the State of Colorado.

How and Where Can I Get Vaccinated?

There are a variety of facilities and locations that are offering the vaccine including hospitals, health clinics, pharmacies and some non-medical facilities that have been set-up as satellite vaccination locations. Vaccination dissemination and administration is managed primarily by each county and the types of locations vary by county. In most cases the vaccine is not administered on a walk-in basis. Please contact your healthcare provider, county health department, or the location you plan to visit for details about scheduling and reservations.

COVID-19 Vaccination Resources

Please refer to the following websites for vaccination details.

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Evergreen Service Providers
5460 Ward Rd # 230
Arvada, CO 80002
PHONE: 303-431-0306

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Evergreen Service Providers is a small, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) agency. Based in Arvada, Colorado, we’ve been serving Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1991.

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Evergreen Service Providers
5460 Ward Rd # 230
Arvada, CO 80002
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