We know you have many questions when it comes to deciding whether becoming a Host Home Provider is something for you. Here, we’ve answered some of the questions that might be coming up. If you still have questions, please contact us, and we’d be happy to answer them.


Who should consider becoming a Host Home Provider?
There are many reasons people open up their homes to Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Some Host Home Providers are:

  • “Empty Nesters” with the room and the heart to care for an Individual with IDD
  • People who enjoy helping others
  • People looking to supplement their income or replace their current job with that of caregiver for an Individual with IDD
  • Families who want to welcome someone into their home and make them part of the “family”


What are the requirements to become a Host Home Provider?
There are several things you’ll need to do. First, you must be at least 21 years old, pass a criminal background check, and live in a home that meets HUD and state standards. Then, there is a checklist of items that must be completed:

  • Complete the Host Home Provider Application
  • Complete the Evergreen Service Providers Employment Application
  • Successfully complete the Basic Training Course and CPR/First-Aid
  • Complete QMAP certification
    • QMAP (Qualified Medication Administration Provider) classes teach unlicensed staff members to safely administer medications in certain settings where it’s authorized by law.
  • Maintain professional liability insurance and automobile liability insurance as required by law
  • Understand what it means to be an Independent Contractor/Host Home Provider
  • Understand and follow state regulations around providing services as an Independent Contractor/Host Home Provider


What are the primary responsibilities of a Host Home Provider?
First and foremost, your responsibilities to the Individual living with you includes providing a safe and supportive environment consistent with the mission of Evergreen Service Providers. You may expect your regular routine to include:

  • Providing meals
  • Assisting with daily living skills
  • Medication management
  • Transportation to and from appointments and activities
  • Behavioral support in conjunction with an interdisciplinary team. Since each Individual has their own set of unique needs, you will have the opportunity to review their profile prior to accepting them into your home. Our goal is to match each Individual with the perfect Host Home Provider.
  • Complete and provide regular documentation/updates/forms that we need to ensure the safety and well-being of the Individual in your care are maintained at the highest levels


What sort of space and furniture do I need to provide in my home?
Most Individuals require their own room with a bed and space for their clothes and belongings. They should have access to a private or shared bathroom. Some Individuals require wheelchair access, and if so, we will only pair that Individual with a home that is wheelchair accessible.


Do the Individuals who need Host Homes have families, and if so, why are they unable to live with them?
Yes, many of the Individuals we place in Host Homes have families who love them and who have cared for them for some or most of their adult lives. There are a variety of reasons an Individual may no longer be able to live with their family members, including:

  • The Individual is looking to be more independent and wants to have a home separate from their family member(s)
  • The Individual is an adult and wants to live like other adults who move out of their family home and into a community setting
  • Their family is no longer able to accommodate the Individual’s physical or behavioral requirements
  • The family member is no longer able to care for the Individual due to a work, health, or other situation


How do you determine who is a good match for my home?
We get to know you during the interview and onboarding process to learn more about your background, experience, interests, and home environment. We then use this information to create a short personal profile that we use as part of our placement process. Your profile will be submitted to the Individual and her/his case manager for review. If the Individual wants to move further, she/he will request an opportunity to meet you. This meeting gives both you and the Individual a chance to get to know each other and explore whether it is a good match. Our goal is to ensure that both the Individual and you feel comfortable and confident moving forward.


Do you choose host homes with children or only those without?
We have Host Home Providers with children and without children. It’s really about finding the best fit between you and the Individual. Some Individuals may like to live in a home with children and others may prefer to not live with children. It’s also possible that the Individual’s support needs would not be a good match for a home with children.


If we have pets can you match us with someone who does well with animals?
Absolutely! The Individuals we support are just like any other adult. Some enjoy animals, and some do not; and, some are unable to be around certain pets due to allergies.


Is the Individual allowed to have their own pet at my home?
Since you are opening your home to the person, you can establish your guidelines regarding pets in the home. We do encourage our providers to be open to the possibility of an Individual having their own pet, since this is a typical adult interest and practice.


Is the Individual allowed to have guests at my home?
Yes, however, like any shared living arrangement having guests over should be mutually communicated, coordinated and agreed upon between those living in the home.


Once I have an Individual placed in my home, will I receive ongoing support?
Yes, our agency has remained small so that we can provide ongoing support, training, and communication to our Host Home Providers while an Individual is in your home. You will also have access to our network of Host Home Providers to support you on your journey. We also check in with you at your home on a regular basis to ensure that your home remains a safe and nurturing environment for the Individual in your care.


What is the pay to be a Host Home Provider?
Pay rates are determined based on the specific needs of the Individual under your care. You are paid monthly, in a non-taxed stipend.


Will I receive a 1099 for the money I am paid?
No, in accordance to IRS publication 17, the services provided are incorporated under the umbrella of foster care therefore making annual/monthly income tax-exempt.


Where do the funds come from to pay for each Individuals’ care?
Colorado Medicaid funds under the HCBS DD Waiver.


Am I required to submit a monthly invoice in order to receive payment?
Yes, you will be provided with forms that are required to be filled out on a monthly basis and turned into the office in order for the agency to bill Medicaid for the days your Individual is in your home.


Will the Individual have their own money and/or bank account, and if so am I responsible for managing it?
Yes, they receive monthly personal needs money from their Social Security benefits as well as income if they are working. They will have their own account and the host home providers assist the Individual to manage her/his account.


If the Individual in our care becomes ill am I responsible for caring for him or her or is assistance available?
As long as you are being reimbursed for services for the Individual in your home at the time of the illness, you are responsible to provide care. If a doctor visit is needed, the visit is covered by their medical insurance. If hospitalization is required, it is covered, but you are not reimbursed for their care while in the hospital if they are admitted. Some Individuals have insurance coverage for home hospice or home health services. Any services the host home provider wants in addition to what they are being reimbursed for are at the cost of the Host Home Provider.


Once I’ve applied, how long does it take until we get a match for our home/family?
We work with Community Centered Boards in the area on a daily basis to review requests for Individuals to be placed in Host Homes. It is our goal that the Individual be placed with the Host Home that best meets his/her needs. As an Individual requires a Host Home, we contact you to ensure that your home is still available to meet their needs. This process can take anywhere from one month to one or more years depending on the need and the fit.


Do I need to have a registered business and/or business license?
It is encouraged, but it is not required to register as a business with the state of Colorado if you are a Host Home Provider for Evergreen Service Providers.


Do I need to check with my local zoning office to see whether this activity is allowed?
No, there are no zoning stipulations associated with being a Host Home.


Will I be expected to document the Individual’s activities?
Yes, and the agency provides the templates and training to do so.


If I need to go out of town or want to take a vacation and it does not work for the Individual to travel with us, do you provide someone to come into my home or an interim home while I’m away?
The agency will assist you with finding respite care for the Individual if you do not already have someone lined up. Some respite providers are willing to stay at your home to provide the services. The respite provider needs to be approved through the agency, and have all required trainings, including passing a background check. Respite providers are paid a daily fee and are reimbursed for their time through a deduction from your monthly check.


What are the personal rewards of working as a Host Home Provider?
Read, in their own words, how some of our Host Home Providers’ lives have been changed through their work with IDD Individuals.


Still have questions? We’re here to help! Contact us today.

Contact Info

Evergreen Service Providers
5460 Ward Rd # 230
Arvada, CO 80002
PHONE: 303-431-0306

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About Us

Evergreen Service Providers is a small, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) agency. Based in Arvada, Colorado, we’ve been serving Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1991.

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Evergreen Service Providers
5460 Ward Rd # 230
Arvada, CO 80002
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